Wednesday 31 October 2012


From 17th to 20th of October all the partners met in Gistesti-Pascani in order to set the places and dates of the exchanges and the tasks to do.


Tuesday 30 October 2012


Both during the project and at the end of it, we plan to disseminate the experience gained and the overall outcome by:
1. Publishing the experiences and the results obtained on the schools’ websites
2. Creating an online project
3. Publishing a cookbook on eating habits,  culture and recipes from each participating country. The book will contain the school  logos, the Comenius logo and the flag of each participating Institute, plus the European flag. They will be distributed to everyone involved in the project and to the higher authorities.
4. The Comenius Corner. Each Institute will bring objects, images and food from their own country to promote healthy diets and each country’s typical products
5. A DVD with information, recipes and features of each participating country. This, too, will contain the logo of each Institute and of the Comenius project and will be distributed to participants and higher authorities.
6. Comenius Day to take place in  the participating countries where families, schools, officers and the public will be invited,to get to know about the different cultures and customs.
7. Paintings featuring food, the Comenius logo and the European flag. These will be displayed in the Comenius Corner and during the Comenius Day.


Evaluation will take place during the different phases of the project and will include both the organisation and the schoolwork. It will be done as follows:
- Analysis of the initial situation of each Institute
- Supervision of the activities undertaken by each Institute through the use of checklists
- Observation of the pupils’ behaviour regarding their skills and knowledge on food
-   Assessment of pupils’ skills and knowledge of the English and French language and Information Technology. Observation and checklists will be used for this purpose.
- Analysis and evaluation of  pupils’ social skills, mainly regarding cooperation and acceptance of  people having different values
- Analysis of the impact on the territory. How creativity and European conscience can influence not only the exchange students but all school staff and people who work in the area, especially the ones working in the food industry. Reports will be handed over to all the people interested in this field.
- Survey on the response  of students, teachers and parents on the project.
- Layout of checklists for the collection and evaluation of data.


The project will be integrated with the national curriculum as follows;
- Communication in the mother tongue through the reading of books regarding the chosen topics, the analysis of texts, lexis, proverbs, tongue-twisters, poems and fairy tales that help improve eating habits, preparation of questionnaires and workbooks.
- Communication in French and/or English through the reading of brief texts, translations, correspondence with exchange students.
- Sciences; Planting seeds to discover how food is grown and processed until it reaches the consumer.
- Healthy eating habits. Studying the nutritional value of food items to encourage a healthy diet .
- Maths: data processing, tables, graphs and the comparison of values
- Information Technology: Preparation of a DVD about recipes and other interesting features of participating countries: the use of the Internet for research work and  communication with exchange students.
- Art: Food is a feature in some art works. Analysis of the works of Arcimboldi, and other European artists, that contain images of  banquets in taverns, dinners of artists and the history of the period they lived in; the observation of still life paintings.  Research on images showing the logo of the Comenius project. All pupils will get a European flag, which will be used in some activities and later be kept as a keepsake of the project.
- Music. The value of music as a social activity. The presence of food in some important works by famous European musicians, such as Verdi and Puccini
- Sport and Physical Education: Learning about one’s own physical health.
- History: Food in certain periods of history
- Geography: learning about and analysing  the environment, food production and eating habits.


The project sets  objectives for pupils, teachers and the entire school and town community.
Educational objectives:
1. Develop a sense of European citizenship;
2. Raise awareness to  international cooperation;
3. Learn about and respect the different cultures and languages in Europe;
4. Develop self-assessment and autonomy in learning;
5. Encourage interest in the study of foreign languages through advanced language courses;
6. Encourage the use of ICT for work and  communication
7. Promote healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle in European students
8. Be able to appreciate new tastes.

Educational and methodological objectives
1.Improve language  and Information Technology skills
a) Promoting the use of ICT to prepare reports,  questionnaires and checklists.
b) Surfing the Net for research work
c) Communicating through email
d) Using English and other European languages to communicate
2. Improve  interdisciplinary working methods
a) Eliminating incorrect food behaviour  and  sedentary lifestyles
b) Promoting organic farming
c) Promoting old recipes and local products
3. Promote healthy eating habits
a) Identifying students’ and families’ eating habits and promoting new patterns of behaviour
b) Developing a positive attitude towards food
c) Eating health food according to one’s own tastes
4. Learn about the properties and nutritional values of food
5 Learn the importance of a healthy and balanced diet to ensure  harmonious growth
6. Learn  the main features of the partner country, such as, geography, culture, history, customs,  gastronomy in order  to compare and exchange information.


Through this project, we propose to determine the criteria for a healthy diet and, at the same time, a lifestyle that aims to avoid excessive inactivity by promoting regular physical activity daily. The objective is the psychophysical well-being of students and their families. Nutritional and physical  education, in order to promote a  balanced and serene growth of future European citizens, is one of the missions assigned to the national education system. The National Health and Nutrition Program is a tool for this purpose. ICT, Internet, are tools to develop and diffuse the work developed with students.
         Topics include:
•        Is the food industry compatible with sustainable food?
•        Review of major economic, sociological and ecological constraints posed by industrial food production;
•        Review of proposed new forms for a balanced diet;
•        Forms of short distribution of food: promote the principle of reducing the distance between the place of food       production and the place of consumption to reduce energy and environmental costs, caused by the transport of goods over long distances;
•        Welcome operations to the farm and farm inns;
•        Contribution to the conservation of vegetable and animal biodiversity: encourage the public to a better use, by increasing awareness of the rediscovery of a heritage like that of ancient species. We will consider the impact that this has on local economy (agriculture and tourism) and on food in the context of work (canteens, restaurants ...).


  • IV istituto Comprensivo "Salvatore  Quasimodo". Floridia. IT - ITALY
    • Coordinator of the project: Sebastiano Rizza.
  • Instituto de Educación  Secundaria Ramón y Cajal. Valladolid. ESPAÑA.
    • Contact person: Antonio López.
  • Scoala Cu Clasele I-VIII. Gistesti - Pascani. RO - ROMANIA.
    • Contact person: Monica Pleascan.
  • Szkoła Podstawowa nr 85 im. Kawalerów Maltańskich. Poznan. PL - POLAND.
    • Contact person: Beata Kubska.
    • Contact person: Esen Turczynka.